Thursday, 10 November 2011

Modern Day Superhero?

Today while at work handing out flyers in Leicester square for 99 Comedy Club, i encountered a rather strange event, which has lead me to think about the notion of "the people", and to a possibility of its functioning within the city. I was told by a colleague that there had been a gang setting up a game in the streets and were ripping people off by having people planted in the crowd, then handing out fake money to winners if they bet on the game. As i went to have a look at a distance a man in his mid 20s grabbed the guy on the stall and pushed him against a fence, at this point I was thinking police, then it became clear that this was more a reprimand or threat than an arrest. The thought of a rival gang member crossed my mind, but luckily the violence ended with the threat, and the throwing away of the man's equipment to play the game further. If this was indeed just an innocent bystander standing up for the unsuspecting members of the public, it makes me think about unity and a feeling of duty. 
This hero of sorts raises thoughts of the functions of these acts in a society divided by communities and beliefs, or even a city like London divided by the same issues, and the importance or role of looking out for one's fellow man. Is there a show of unity here or is there something more personal, this we will never know; however, i like the romantic idea of someone genuinely caring about the others around him. 

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