Friday, 16 September 2011

You Know What Really Grinds My Gears? - Art about a What if? alternate reality

The kind of art I am talking about is the sort of art whereby a gallery is a little stuck for a theme or cohesive block of artists/works for a show, so they decide that the show is about some sort of mysterious alternate reality where all the works are very open to this idea of e.g. what if we all had a penis for a forearm?. I feel that there is a real shallowness to exhibitions of this nature, this is not to say that there aren't a number a great works produced from these shows, as many of the works are of a high standard, its more the way they are presented to us and a fantasy world. 

I myself enjoy the ideas around fantasy and reality and where the line is drawn; however, i feel that there are cases where it has been over done and the freshness is lost and the value in such works becomes a little suspect.
Shows that have been effective have been ones such as Little White Lies at the Aubin gallery, and Storyteller at La Scatola, which we covered a few weeks back; however, it feels as though it is just too easy to use fantasy as a glue for things that don't quite go together.

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