Edgar Askelovic has created this sculpture to represent what an 83 year old Andrew Warhola might look like. he creates a copy as it were, of Andy Warhol; however, there is no original to generate the image from. with this an alternate reality is formed, we wonder, what if Andy Warhol hadn't died from a gall bladder operation when he was 58? In creating this monument to Warhol, Askelovic is making himself a god to control life and death.
Much of his other works focus on this alternate reality that the power, or title of the artist grants. Homeless Queen for example plays with notion.
"Creating my own world, to be a Queen or a King, and it doesn't matter who you are in the real life. In my work, the third stage masks the absence of profound reality, where the simulacrum pretends to be a faithful copy, but this is a copy without original."-Edgar Askelovic
The Andy Warhol sculpture will be on show in the McDermott Galleries in Birmingham
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