Monday, 25 July 2011

The Dude Designs

Tom Hodge, is trying to revive the dying art of film poster design.  The Success of B-movie ‘Hobo with a Shotgun’, a spin off from an advert in Tarantino and Rodriguez’ Grindhouse, has brought media attention to the art work that he produces. Hodge is himself a film producer and says despite the changes in technology, drawn posters are something that is still associated to the horror genre. This is due to the fact, perhaps not so true for big budget modern movies, that there were things beyond the technological capabilities of the genre. The poster in this way extends beyond the capabilities of the movie alone, taking on a further role than merely a description of the film and who is in it, adding to the vision of the imagination.

Graham Humphreys believes that the illustrations leave some people confused, "I think studios feel that movie audiences won't get an illustrated poster, that they'll think it's a cartoon.", saying that the ‘cartoon’ look is utilised to create the retro feel of a timeless classic.

I myself am a real fan of the illustrated poster; I like the idea of the extension from the film rather than a montage of famous actors with little relevance. Check out more of Hodge’s work at

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